Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Look what came in the mail for me today? My very own Wacom Bamboo Fun. A white one to match my laptop and my phone.

Just look at it? Doesn't it look pretty?

I took it for a test run tonight and am absolutely smitten. When I took it out of the box, I was surprised by the lightweight and thinness of the tablet.

It comes complete with a tutorial that runs you quickly through the basics. "Ink", the program that comes with the tablet is simple and impressive in its handwriting recognition. Maybe I'll start using the tablet to replace my keyboard to help improve my handwriting. (My handwriting is shocking!)

The best thing of all is the ease of start up and set up. No complicated installations. Just plug the tablet in via USB connection and you are on your way! In fact, when I plugged the tablet in, the pen and the mouse were both already reactive. Look what I sketched up within a few minutes of taking the tablet out of the box. The "real"ness of the active surface of the tablet adds to your natural pen stroke experience. I really like the control and pressure sensitivity.

Guess who will be spending a lot of time drawing away on the computer?